Sunday, January 5, 2014


Mom will be prepped for surgery at 6am tomorrow morning.  We have opted to use an epidural for anesthesia with sedation versus the old fashioned general anesthesia (which requires breathing tubes and machines).  Her operation will begin at 7am.  Dad and I will standby just in case they need consent for any additional procedures.  The operation is predicted to last one to two hours as long as there are no complications.  As of midnight tonight, Mom is not allowed to eat in preparation for surgery.  

The procedure will be minimally invasive.  The surgeon is not even going to cut a major incision.  Somehow they are going to insert the metal pin through the bone through a small entry point in mom's skin.  

Her doctor has offered her physical therapy post-surgery to help her learn how to walk on her "new" leg.  We will work out the details after her surgery tomorrow.

The wifi at the hospital is awful, even with the pocket wifi device, but I will still attempt to Facetime/Viber you so that you can talk/pray with mom before she is taken for surgery prep.  It should be arounnd 9-10pm your time.  Mom is very nervous and I know hearing your voices will make her happy.  

I'll be in touch very soon.


  1. Dear Lord.. please be with my mom.. help her to be strong to get thru this surgery.. guide the surgeons and nurses to be and do their best and have the knowledge needed to work on her and please help my mom to recover and heal fast as lightning. Please be with my Dad, sister and her family as they standby and support my mom. Thank you for all the people you put in place for this day the very.exact.second you.planned. give my mom strength and let her know how.much we love her . Thank you Lord. Please be there from the beginning to the completion of her surgery to , when they go home, keep them safe. Please let her know we love her and how much faith we have for her to recover Nd heal. Thank you lord. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

  2. Becky said her grandfather, who was 85, had a similar surgery done on him and only rehabbed for approximately 2 days and was up and walking on his own with a walker.
