Friday, January 10, 2014

Josep's Arrival

Dear Josep,

Because Dr. Benitez wants mom to stay in the hospital for another 2 to 3 weeks, it would be nice for you to come and care for mom after I leave.  

My main objective for your visit is to bring mom home with you when you leave.  We need to time your arrival just right so that you can support mom through her next chemo treatment, help her to recover from it, and then take her home with you.  

If you come too early, mom may not recover in time for her to fly home with you.  At first I wanted you to come right when I leave but I'd rather have a small gap between my visit and your visit if it means you will be able to bring mom home when it is time for you to depart.  

I know you only have three weeks off.  Mom will have chemo in approximately three weeks from now.  Let's think about when the best time is for you to come.  Let's make it so she has enough time to recover from chemo.  

Mom's oncologist will not schedule a chemo treatment (give an exact date) until her bloodwork looks better.  He just estimated 2-3 weeks more from now.  

I think mom and dad will be fine at the hospital when I leave because the doctors are just trying to nourish her and restrengthen her.  The worst part (her surgery) is over.  Let me know what your thoughts are. 


  1. What is the story of mom's mass in the brain. It's it brain cancer? Will mom deteriorate bc her cancer is metastasizing .. Will she be getting better if I come Feb 17 instead my original time I was to come or you think her cancer spreading might be take a turn for the worse while I'm not there?

  2. Feb 17 will be too late. I'm thinking Jan 24 to Feb 14 will be the best time. Is this possible for you?

  3. Is Feb 1 too late bc rommell can come with me then.
