Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mom's Central Line

Here is mom's intra-jugular line.

Mom has this line and a regular IV in her right arm.  They need both ports to deliver all the necessary medications and fluids.  

As you can see from the second photo, mom is losing her hair already.  

1 comment:

  1. Deb.. u have done such a great job being there for mom and dad. You have been an angel and light in our time of darkness. Thank you for being strong..for being with mom and dad. Kuya and youand dad and Nene and kuya dan... many thanks. So much gratitude.. this is the best thing mom can get. I hope mom can come here now. I pray the doctors will clear her. I think I'll look into getting mom a wig. . I can see she is losing er hair. Love you deb. Please tell dad and mom I love them.
