Thursday, January 2, 2014


Mom just had a few cardio stress tests performed on her.  The doctor's want to make sure that she can withstand major hip surgery before they schedule an operation.  We will find out the results of those tests within the next few days.  

Mom's femur is displaced and broken in two places.  She did not fall.  She was just climbing steps and her bones could not carry her weight so it broke instead.  If mom has surgery, the doctor will do a biopsy and see if cancer is what caused the bone to be brittle, or if it is due to osteoporosis, or a combination of both.  

I will be meeting with the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to review x-rays and discuss surgical treatment.  He's already mentioned a hip-replacement in the short time I spoke with him over the phone this evening.

I will be spending all of tomorrow at the hospital getting briefed by all the doctors who make their rounds in the morning.  I'll keep you updated on all I find out.

Mom's condition is pretty serious but her spirits seemed to lift when I arrived to visit with her.  I think it is helping that we are rotating visitations to Mom until she is well enough to come home.  She needs our support to keep her going.  Mom is receiving great care at Makati Med..  The staffs' bedside care is excellent.  They are kind to her and they joke with her.  It was hard to leave her this evening but Auntie Ne is with her 24/7 as a helper and a friend. 

That's all for now.  Please comment on this post so I know you were able to read it.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb, so when u know..let us know the exact date of surgery. Also do u happen to know the list of meds she takes so we have a history of her meds. Poor mom. Again glad u are there and please tell the others nene,kuya Sharon, uncle george,auntie Myra and all those doctors Nd nurses thank you. Hope u r enjoying :)
