Thursday, January 16, 2014

One More Day

Mom is officially off all IV drips and monitors.  She is just getting medications through the NGT and she is eating very well now.  

Dr. Borbon took out Mom's surgical staples today.  She will be able to remove her bandages tomorrow morning and leave the scar exposed.  It is mostly healed already.

I spoke with mom's cancer doctor, Dr. Parra- who took over for Dr. Lopez, and he suggested we not delay mom's chemo treament because the cancer will repopulate mom's body if we wait too long. Waiting for Loma Linda to admit her when she arrives mid-February is not ideal.  We must stick to the chemo treatment schedule as closely as possible.  The operation already set her back 3 weeks.  We can not afford to lose any more time.  

She may not have chemo until 2-3 weeks after surgery.  This lands during the first week of February.  She will need 2-3 weeks to recover from chemo before she can fly to the states.  

I'm going to schedule mom a chemo appointment three weeks from the day Josep has to go back to the states.  If our main goal is to make sure Mom can go home with Josep on February 19th then I will schedule mom's chemo, even before Josep gets to Makati, to make sure she has enough recovery time to fly.  If we wait until Josep arrives, Mom may not have enough recovery time and may not get a clearance to fly.

Josep, this means you may not have to rent a hotel room in Makati.  Once I make the chemo appointment tomorrow morning, I will let you know for sure.  If mom has already had chemo before you arrive, you will go straight to Masinloc.  You can help her recover at home.  Also, dad said he will be the one to fly with mom in Business Class and that you may buy two round-trip tickets for yourselves in Economy Class.  You can work this out with dad if you don't like this plan.  The best way to reach him is through his cell phone.  

Medical Records for Loma Linda
I was able to collect almost all the paperwork necessary for Mom to transfer to Loma Linda.  The only thing I am waiting for are her oncology reports which should arrive by tomorrow morning.  Auntie Myra will be expressing mom's pathology slides to me, which I will forward to Loma Linda when the time comes.  

Preparations for Mom's Discharge
Israel and I went to the supermarket to buy mom two weeks worth of adult diapers, baby wipes, disposable gloves, disposable bed protectors and baby powder (mom's request) to make sure mom has no excuse to try to use the restroom upstairs.  I have talked to mom and dad about the importance of keeping mom from being left alone.  I have asked her to stay either laying down or sitting up until she is stronger.  

I will be visiting mom and dad for an hour or two before we depart for the airport tomorrow.  I will be reminding them of how to contact us through cell phone or iPad.  

It's been an amazing trip full of ups and down.  I can't wait to tell you all the stories we've collected during our stay.  The Philippines has grown on me.  I'll be looking forward to my next trip here when mom is healed and ready to come back.  

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your safe flight home. Thank you deb in all you did. Love you
