Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Family History

We took a 24 hour trip to visit Uncle's Resty's home in Pamatawan and Mom and Dad's house in Masinloc.  Here are a few highlights.  We took tons of pictures but I will only post a few.

Jordan with Uncle Resty's Mom 
She is 95 years old.  She is Jordan's Great Grandma.

Jordan with Uncle Resty's Aunt
She is 88.  She is Jordan's Great Grand Aunt

Jordan with Uncle Resty's Aunt, Jordan's Great Grand Aunt

Me and Jordan with Mom's Sister, Auntie Norming, Jordan's Grand Aunt

When we get home, I'll share all the pictures via slideshow.

1 comment:

  1. That's great deb. Wow y met THe auntie Norming. So wonderful .. Israel has good genes.. they look soo good your great aunt.. wow 88 & 85years old. What great ages. So glad u met relatives too.
