Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hospital Surprise

Thanks to the generosity of Auntie Nelda and Uncle Resty's family, we were able to bring Auntie Norming to Makati Med to make a surprise visit to mom.  Uncle Resty's family rented us a car and hired a driver to pick us up from Makati (a 6 hour drive), drive us to Masinloc (another 6 hour drive), drive us back to Makati with Auntie (another 6 hour drive the next day), and then let Auntie Norming sleep in their home in Pamatawan (half way to Candelaria - 3 hours) and then brought her home to Candelaria (an additional 3 hour drive) the following morning.  Thank you Isaac Family for this amazing gift to my mom.

The two sisters were so happy to see each other.  It would've brought tears to your eyes seeing them console one another.  What a beautiful sight.  


  1. This picture is probably my favorite.. so much love and care is express between these sisters.. it sure did bring tears to my eyes.. thank you Isaac family. What a truly wonderful gift. Look at mom's genuine smile and happiness!! I love love it. Everytime mom talks about auntie Norming ,I can hear how special she is.. and finally I get to see it in this picture.

  2. I can't e press the happiness and joy the Isaacs brought to our family. The love is so evident in mom and aunties picture together.

  3. That was my most favorite moment of the whole trip. I wish you could've seen them holding hands and crying when they saw each other. It was a powerful moment. It made me cry too.
