Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ups & Downs

Today had a lot of ups and downs.

Mom was awake most of the day today.  She was not drowsy as she has been in the past three days.  

The dressing on mom's leg has been removed.  The swelling has gone down considerably.  It is still warm to the touch.  

When I arrived to mom's room, the doctor had already inserted a nasal gastric tube.  We were quite disappointed because she ate so well the night before, and she has been taking her meds.  Dad had signed a consent for this to be done a few days earlier when mom was rejecting the hospital foods and spitting out her meds.  Yesterday was her first day to eat all her food and swallow her medications.  This is a picture of mom getting her meds via NGT.  As you can see she is so uncomfortable.

Later in the evening Israel was able to talk with Dr. Ansen and he agreed to allow mom to eat real food as long as it is soft and in small quantities with the NGT in place.  Mom was so happy about this.  This is a picture of mom eating her dinner.  

Mom is now getting her nutrients from intravenous Kabiven, prescribed formula through the NGT feeding tube, and oral food intake.  She should be better in no time.  

Following is a picture of all the foods mom would not drink/eat and are part of the reason for why mom has an NGT now.  

She would not eat the prescribed foods but she would eat rice with flavored broth with soft vegetables from the hospital cafeteria.  Now she is consuming the doctor-prescribed liquid nutrition and meds but she is able to eat a few things she likes too. 

Mom finally was taken for a CT scan today.  We should hear about the findings within the next one to two days.  It should determine whether or not mom has a tumor in her brain.  

I'm sad to report that even though mom had an NGT and ate a little bit as well, she was still showing signs of disorientation.  She was very confused before I left for the evening.  It is so hard to see mom like this.  She couldn't figure out why she was in the hospital and kept telling us to take her home.  Dad does not know how to answer her when she talks nonsense.  I told him to tell her what she wants to hear until she falls asleep.  I miss mom even as I type.  I wish I could sleep next to her in her bed.  

I'll post the CT Scan results as soon as I see them.  It's been a very long day.  Until tomorrow...good night!


  1. Deb..I am so proud of you. U did a good job today. U have not only been there for mom and dad but for me,Kuya and George. Great job deb. Get some sleep . I am praying soo hard deb for mom. I was happy to talk to her and hear her voice. Thank u for giving me that opportunity. Good job deb.

  2. Btw.. I love the pictures of Jordan and Israel feeding mom. It's disappointing that mom doesn't want to eat the hospital food but a little comical bc we know how mom is stubborn and wants only food that taste good. Let's get mom over here .. so we can be with her and get the us insurance to pay for these bills. Please thank.the Makati mds and nurses for taking care of mom. Good night and love you. I'm off and sleeping in today. I forgot to scan one more page...darn.. I'll scan it to you tomorrow when im at work.
