Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Central Line

Dr. Chu was able to successfully insert the intrajugular line.  All the medications and supplements she needs are now going direct port.  As you can see from the picture, the prescriptions were so plentiful that the doctors needed more access than the two IV's were providing.  She has five liquids hanging from the medication rack by her head and two more hanging from the rack by her feet. 

Today was a tough day.  Mom was not herself.  I'm going to assume it is because of her pain management medication.  She was yelling at the nurses and she refused to eat and take her pills.  In general, she is tired of being bed ridden and the drugs have altered her mood.  

Following are pictures of her arms and their IV's which the central line replaced.  

Her chemotherapy will most likely be pushed back.  She was scheduled to undergo a round of treatment tomorrow but she is not fully recuperated from the operation.  Dr. Benitez will advise us of the new plan tomorrow.  

Josep, here are her medications (since you asked me for their names).

I apologize that the medication names are not all clear in the pictures.  They were high up and it was hard for me to get a good shot.  They added a few more after the central line was inserted but I did not get any pictures of them.

Mom's wounds have a drainage device attached to them.

Here is a picture of her leg.  The yellow bag is an ice pack.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for mom.  It is hard to see mom uncomfortable but I'm glad I'm here to help in any way possible.  


  1. Great reporting deb! How's the size if her tumor on her right arm doing? Has it shrunk in size?

  2. I'm going to go with he fact that mom is not eating, that's why they're hanging that kabiven, and all the meds they're giving her is affecting her mentation. You're going to have to be patient with her at this point. Love you deb.

  3. If mom is still in pain that tramadol is not working. Ask mom if she is.. if she is acting disoriented, either her electrolytes are off balance or one of her meds she is not reacting.well. I hope she is comfortable. Ask if there is another pain med that might work if she is still in pain. Poor mom,those pictures are sad.. her arm and hand looks like it is not functional or she can't even move her fingers :( she does look swollen. Please Lord, heal her, no more broken.bones, strengthen her bones so this may not happen again. Please cure her cancer. Please let there be no more diabetes. Please let her be back to normal again. I hate seeing her in pain. Deb you don't know how thankful we r u r all there. What are we gonna do when u go back home. We won't know what's going on :( I really hope she can come to us now in states. I'm praying she will heal. Please no infection. Is she getting antibiotics? Let us know what we can do. Deb check my message I sent you on viber. Love you too deb,and mom and dad. Ok. Must sleep now. I'll check the blog when I wake. Hope u r ok there.

  4. Regarding mom's cancerous arm, it is very swollen. It is not really functional any more. I have talked to mom about learning how to use her left hand to write and feed herself. The right arm will probably be amputated in the states but we'll explore the options when we get there.

    Mom is not in pain. She is comfortable. She is just grumpy. The doctor said we could buy her outside food if it will make her eat so Uncle Dan bought her three kinds of soups for her to eat today.

  5. Thank you kuya Dan. Amputated? Ugg.. im sad. Ok... one day at a time. Glad mom.is not in pain. Can they make the swelling go down in the arm ?
