Saturday, January 4, 2014

Surgery Scheduled

Mom has received clearance from all of her doctors for surgery.  Her operation is scheduled for Monday, January 6th (Philippine time).  It will begin at 7am and should conclude in 1 to 2 hours as long as there are no complications.  Please pray for mom to fully recover.  Her doctors would not give her clearance for an operation if they did not believe she would survive but there is always a chance for complications, especially with mom's other medical issues (diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and advanced age).  I will be posting updates regarding the surgery in real time on Monday.   Stay tuned.


  1. We r praying for mom for a fast recovery and 100°\° healing. Mom can get thru this. Please tell her we love her. Thanks for being there for mom and dad. She looks like she is happy u r there. Anything dad ,mom or u need please let them know we r here praying for them all and so thankful for the support.

  2. Thank you for the update I check this site every other hour if the day.
