Monday, January 13, 2014

Discharge TBA

Mom is getting better each day.

Mom's catheter was removed today, which means her output is a healthy amount and they no longer feel the need to test and measure her urine each day.  

Mom is down to two IV drips, Kabiven (nutrient supplement) and PNSS (I don't know what that is).  Both IV's (in both her arms) were removed and mom only has her intrajugular line in place. 

The results for mom's CT scan came in.  She does not have cancer in her brain.  Everything looks normal.

Mom's discharge date is nearing.  The doctors are aggressively trying to prepare mom for release.  
So far mom's orthopedic surgeon says she is ready to be released.
Mom's endocrinologist (for diabetes) is ready to discharge her.
Mom's cardiologist says mom is ready to leave.  
The internal medicine doctor (for her previous infection) gave mom clearance to leave.  
We are just waiting for her oncologist and the dietician to make their final decisions for a discharge date.

The dietician wants mom to be able to consume the same amount of calories the Kabiven has been giving her intravenously.  When she can do this, they will remove the Kabiven drip and then the NGT (nasal gastric tube - feeding tube) and release mom from the hospital.  

Mom got a sponge bath today and was happy to be "fresco". She smelled like baby powder when I came in this morning.  

Dad, Uncle George and Israel went to the US Embassy today to see if Auntie Ne (whose real name is Princessita) can get an emergency VISA or a worker's VISA.  We have to get online and apply for her.  We're doing that tonight.  

Kuya Sharon's mother-in-law had a medical emergency in Quezon City and was not able take us to Zambales.  Israel, Jordan and I will be going to Pamatawan tomorrow to deliver a message to his nanay. We hope to be able to see mom and dad's place on the same day.  

The stress level here is lowering each day but mom's discharge date is presenting a new set of challenges.  I am thankful for family members who do whatever it takes for mom's sake.  Thank you, Kuya and Josep, for taking endless phone calls in the middle of the night and during work to problem solve with me.  You guys are the best! 

Signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Haha.. Deb .. u r finally talking.on my time. I told kuya the same when he was in PI. This isy day time. That's why I can actually talk to u more on my owl times. Sorry Kuya for waking u up. Im glad to hear mom is doing better. I know I am putting pressure on you but im hoping u can have one of those md's sign my fmla papers before u go hoepfully soon so I can give it to my bosses. Thanks deb,israel,jordan,dad,auntie Lori,kuya Sharon,auntie myra,nene and uncle george for taking care if mom. Deb if you have a chance to talk to the md or oncologist can u ask what the tumor marker levels are for mom.. the liwer the number if it's less than 5 the less cancer she has or it's showing the working. U also did a great job updating us. Before u leave there tell mom and dad to keep that cell of theirs on so I can call them. Ok. About to end my shift. Love you all. Good night.
