Monday, January 6, 2014

Operation Summary

Mom's surgery ended up taking almost 6 hours.  Since mom's femur broke almost two weeks ago, the  broken bones had lodged themselves deeply into mom's muscle tissue.  The surgeon had to carefully dislodge the bones, and some bone fragments, before he could reposition, straighten, and insert the apparatus.  This part of the surgery took until 9:30am. 

The doctor was not able to maintain a minimally invasive approach in regards to incision.  He said "we really had to dig into the muscle" to get the bones where they needed them.  I have yet to see mom's sutures.  They also decided to use general anesthesia versus the epidural because the surgery was more involved than predicted beforehand.  Mom received two units of blood because "it was a very bloody procedure" and she was put on a breathing machine.  

The surgeon met with us afterwards to brief us.  Mom was kept in a recovery room for approximately 4 hours and then returned to her regular hospital room where we were all waiting for her.  

The last time I saw her, she was not yet responsive.  She was throwing up green fluid but did so in a sedated state.  She has an IV in each arm.  One side is receiving her nutrient supplement and medications.  The other side is receiving a unit of blood.  There are many doctors and nurses checking on her constantly.  Dad and mom are staying with her overnight, as they have been this past week.  

She is expected to make a full and strong recovery.  They are monitoring her closely for the next 24 hours.  The orthopedic surgeon will discharge her as soon as she can sit up by herself and transfer herself to a wheelchair.  This is projected to happen within two days.  

Mom is still on schedule to receive chemotherapy on Wednesday (in two days).  In the meantime, the orthopedic surgeon is going to make a referral for physical therapy.  The physical therapist will establish an exercise regimen that will be transferred to a local Zambaleno PT so mom can continue to receive support closer to home.  

Tomorrow, we will take care of the billing.  I will post the final cost tomorrow and whether or not dad needs our help.  

So far everything is falling into place.  We should be home to Zambales by this Saturday.  I will spend about five days there and then I jump on a plane and go home.  

Sidenote - Dear Kuya, if God wanted to punish mom, she would've been dead a long time ago.  If you want to blame someone, blame the devil.  He's the evil one.  The God I know brought me here to help because He loves mom.  I love you, Kuya.  You can always tell me anything you're feeling.  Don't hold back.  I've been angry too.

Sorry it took me so long to post a summary.  The wifi at the hospital was weak and when I got back to my condo, I fell asleep.  It's been a very long and stressful day.  I love you all.  Good night.


  1. Thank you deb, dad and auntie ne for everything you've been doing. I love you all.

  2. Thank you deb for the update.. I just had to admit a 24week 2 lb baby, so young the eyes are still still red I.barely got out of the.NICU. but finally got to read your post. Because u have been.there I was able to control my depression bc I knew u were looking after mom and dad. I and dad here soon.. or else my hair is gonna grow completely white. When.u zambales.. please have them.turn on their phone so I thank the Lord for watching over mom. Thank you deb for handling these great obstacles. Love you a bunch. Let us know if dad needs help . Ok. Driving home now. Hope u enjoy your last week there.
